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VideoReDo QuickEdit

MPEG video 10x faster without losing quality frames to edit.


"Fast quality without losing the right to edit MPEG video 10x Framework."
runterload.de Editor: Fast quality without losing the right to edit your MPEG videos 10x Framework. To solve MPEG video sync issues quickly and reliably. If your PC (MPEG1, MPEG2, and High Definition) If you are using any MPEG videos, favorite videos easy to edit VideoReDo is the quickest way. Can easily edit because the TV commercial and the perfect fast cutting and joining your videos and corrects the effects of time for burning DVDs from TV, noisy video tapes and other synchronization problems.

Thousands of users love VideoReDo dropped frames captured their Home Theater PC displays.

Unique scrubbing and navigation tools are customizable of course, a wide range of granular and fine-grained editing tools and video editing own style appropriate. A full compliment of logical keyboard commands those who prefer keyboard control or home-theater remote control over the edit you want to edit permission. Customizable mouse wheel support frame creates a condition by the simple framework. VideoReDo - a unique manual and automatic re-synchronize QuickEdit can have the ability and resources flow volume and synchronize only compatible DVD image as a GOP Reducer will reduce the GOP size added.

VideoReDo QuickEdit now (DVD included), MPEG2 (including SVCD MPEG1) and High Definition (HD) program streams.

For a free trial, download now. Now you can download free VideoReDo QuickEdit 1.6.2.

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